The following support article gives instructions on how to import and set batch numbers for the Ardens Seasonal Immunisation Protocol 2023-24.

Please see the following training video on guidance on how to edit the protocol (written instructions below).  Please note, this video demonstration is for 22/23, however the process for this year is exactly the same.

Please download the "Flu vaccine administration" protocol via the Ardens Portal ( 

Once downloaded, please follow these steps to import the protocols:

1. Access the "Template Manager" module by clicking on the EMIS bubble and selecting Configuration > Template Manager.

2. The protocols must be imported into a folder, select a suitable folder or we suggest creating a new subfolder called "Seasonal Vaccinations 2023-24" under the "Ardens" folder. 

3. With the required folder selected, click on the Import button located on the EMIS ribbon: 

4. Navigate in the file browser to where you have downloaded the protocols, select the flu protocol and click Open

5. The  protocol should now be visible in Template Manager as follows:

Setting your Batch Numbers and Expiry Dates on the Flu Protocol (this process is the same for the Pneumococcal Protocol)

Please note: this phase is a little fiddly but only needs to be done once. We recommend it is done by an experienced user of EMIS Web. 

In order to use the protocols to record the administration of vaccines, you will need to add your batch numbers and expiry dates to the protocol. This is done as follows:

1. First, right-click on the "Flu vaccine administration 2023-24" protocol and select Protocol > Edit

2. The protocol should open in edit mode and you will see it laid out like a flowchart. Use the scroll bars to look down the left hand side of the protocol until you find the section with the multiple choice picking list for the aQIV, as below (it is near the bottom to the left): 

Steps 3-7 below will be repeated for each vaccine type:

3. Double-click the box on the left entitled "Multiple Choice Question" (as per screenshot above). It should open, and you should be able to replace the ‘X’ in the four options with your own batch numbers and expiry dates for the aQIV (circled below). When you’re finished, click OK

4. Next, you’ll need to trace the first output arrow from the multiple choice box to its corresponding "Add coded data" box. To do this, click on the line adjacent to the first arrow where it exits the multiple choice box and it should highlight the arrow and show you which of the ‘Add coded data’ boxes it leads to, shown by red arrow below: 

5. Double-click the "Add coded data" box and it should open as follows (with appropriate injection site pre-completed): 

6. To be able to fill in the Manufacturer, Expiry date, Batch number and other details, you will need to choose "add qualifier" and add each of these separately. It will then bring up a box you can complete as shown below:

Complete the fields as required, and then click OK.


Please note, some manufacturers may provide more than one type of flu vaccine, therefore we recommend adding the vaccine type along with the manufacturer details:

7. Repeat steps 3-6 for the other 3 options in the multiple choice box. 

8. You will then need to scroll down to the next multiple choice box, this one for the QIV vaccine. Follow steps 3-7 (in the grey box above) for this vaccine and its associated batch numbers, expiry dates, and left/right arm. Don’t forget to complete BN and expiry date in both the multiple choice list AND the relevant ‘Add coded data’ boxes. 

9. Finally, you will need to scroll down to the last multiple choice box, this one for the LAIV vaccine (intranasal). Follow steps 3-7 (in the grey box above) for this vaccine and its associated batch numbers and expiry dates. Don’t forget to complete BN and expiry date in both the multiple choice list AND the relevant ‘Add coded data’ boxes. 

10. Click the Save and Close button in the top-left: 

Please see how to add the Seasonal Immunisations protocol to the F12 protocol launcher.

Activating the Flu Protocol in the EMIS Library 

We recommend you activate the EMIS protocols as this will assist clinicians in deciding which patients are eligible to receive a vaccine by placing an alert in the pink “alert box”. 

Navigate to Configuration > Template Manager > EMIS Library. Then open the Influenza folder as below (inside EMIS Protocols). 

Next step - Learn how to use the Ardens Immunisation 2023/24 tools.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: