To support the Ardens Fast Track Safety Netting process, the following searches help practices to keep track of patients requiring a 2WW referral, urgent diagnostics and symptom monitoring. We recommend reading the following support article for a full understanding of how the system works.

The searches can be located within Population Reporting > 4.14 Conditions - Cancer > Fast track safety-netting folder.

1.Fast Track Referrals

This folder contains searches to help monitor fast track referrals that are outstanding (have not had a 'Seen in clinic' code recorded) by timeframe:

It also contains a search and report to monitor those patients who have declined or rejected a referral:

Once the searches have been run, viewing the results of the report will break this down by referral type. 

The 'Fast track referrals XX not seen after (by group)' audit reports, will give you a count of each referral type, to allow you to see if there is a theme of those not appeared to be seen in clinic. 


This folder contains searches to monitor patients who have had a diagnostic referral recorded in the last 3 weeks to 90 days, but no results recorded (including additional searches for FIT testing). Viewing the report will show details of the diagnostic not completed:

3. Symptoms

The symptom searches show those patients due symptom monitoring in the next week, those overdue by a month and those overdue by more than a month. These searches can be used as a recall system to call patients appropriately when due and to monitor those outstanding:

The individual reports will show you the date the patient was put on the symptom monitoring and the symptom(s) being monitored. 

4. Migration from diary system

These searches pick up anyone who you may have been safety-netting using an alternative system which used diary entries. These patients will drop off this system as their care is completed but may need to have diary entries manually completed if necessary.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: 

[email protected]