The QOF Vaccination & Immunisaton searches will identify patients due to turn the age range of the vaccination and immunisation schedule for the QOF year. Practices may wish to use this search suite to chase patients not vaccinated or check the coding is correct if they believe the patient has been vaccinated. 

The searches can be located in the Population Reporting module > Ardens Searches > 5.23 Contracts - QOF - Vaccs + Imms search folder.

For any patients appearing in the 'Not had' searches, practices still have time to achieve these requirements by the end of the year and this should be a focus.

Please note - the patients in the 'Not had' searches' will not always match the Population Excluded number in the GP Contract QOF searches.

Data Quality Searches 

The QOF requirements for the Vaccinations and Immunisations domains (VI001, VI002, VI003 and VI004) have very specific coding requirements.

To support practices in maximising their performance, we have created a suite of data quality searches which will show you patients who have been vaccinated but who do not meet the QOF 

coding requirements.

To locate the searches, select the Data Quality folder located in the QOF - Vaccs + Imms folder.

The searches are broken into the different age groups and should be used as follows:

1a. Not had 3x DTaP - had Diphtheria OR Tetanus OR Pertussis

These are particularly useful for ex-Vision practices whose vaccinations have come into EMIS as individual vaccines. These patients need the 6-in-1 DTaP vaccine adding to their records on the same date as the original 3 vaccines were coded. This can be done using the Ardens 'Childhood Immunisations' template v15.0 or above. 

Please note - you can 'View Results' of the report to see details of the patients and the date of their original vaccine to check they were actually administered on the same day and the relevant associated text in order to be certain they are eligible for re-coding.

2a. Not had MMR - had Measles OR Mumps OR Rubella

These are also particularly useful for ex-Vision practices whose vaccinations have come into EMIS as individual vaccines. These patients need the MMR vaccine adding to their records on the same date as the original 3 vaccines were coded. This can be done using the Ardens 'Childhood Immunisations' template v15.0 or above. 

Please note - you can 'View Results' of the report to see details of the patients and the date of their original vaccine to check they were actually administered on the same day and the relevant associated text in order to be certain they are eligible for re-coding.

2b. MMR ?incorrect code

These are patients who have been coded with a combined MMR vaccine but using a code which will not count towards QOF. These patients need the original code deleting and replacing with the one which is in the Ardens 'Childhood Immunisations' template v15.0 or above.


3a. Not had MMR x2 - had Measles OR Mumps OR Rubella

As with 2a above.


3b. MMR ?incorrect code

As with 2b above.


3c. DTaP booster ?incorrect code

These are patients who have been coded with a DTaP pre-school booster code which is not recognised by QOF. These patients need the original code deleting and replacing with the one which is in the Ardens 'Childhood Immunisations' template v15.0 or above.

To do this, locate and edit the original consultation. Launch the Childhood Immunisation template via the 'Run Template' option.

Click on the Pre-school page and select the correct booster code (ignore the manufacturer details at this point, the original details will be recorded once the template is saved):

Save the template to return to the consultation.

Double click on the new coded entry to display the manufacturer details and enter the original information. 

Delete the original code (Low  dose, diphtheria, tetanus.......').

Save the consultation once complete.

3d. Not had DTaP booster - had Diphtheria OR Tetanus OR Pertussis

As 1a above.

4a - 4c Shingles

These searches will identify patients with non QOF vaccination, contraindication and declined codes. You should review these patients and record the appropriate QOF code to ensure the patients are picked up in achievement. 

5. Failing Vaccs + Imms ?requires summarising

These patients are failing the QOF vaccination and immunisation indicators and may require their notes to be summarised. 

Please note - the Ardens Childhood Immunisation Recall Searches helps practices to manage the flow of patients to be recalled, more information here.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: