Ardens has designed templates to assist clinicians with assessing children (aged 0-18 years) remotely. The templates include guidance on questions to ask and decision-making around the patient's management. These templates are based on the Wessex NHS Healthier Together Pathways.
The following remote consultation templates are available:
- Abdominal Pain in Child under 18
- Child under 18 with Limp
- Cough or Breathlessness in Child over 1 year
- Cough or Breathlessness in Child under 1 year
- Diarrhoea and Vomiting in Child under 18
- Earache in Child under 18
- Fever + Temperature in Child under 18
- Head Injury in a Child under 18
- Rash in a Child under 18
- Sore throat in a Child under 18
- Unsettled baby under 3m
Access the remote consultation templates in one of the following ways:
- Click on the Run Template option within the consultation.
- Click on the Add > Data using Template option outside of a consultation.
Clicking on either of the options above will display the Template Picker screen. Search for the relevant remote consultation template by typing "Remote" into the search box
Remote Assessment
This page contains fields to capture information to form a clinical picture of the presentation.
Each drop down option is categorised 'Red', 'Amber' or 'Green' to match the NHS Healthier Together pathway and to aid a clinician in categorisation of the child's condition:
Management Guidance
This page contains fields to record the appropriate actions taken. We recommend you review the link at the top of the page to review the NHS pathway when making your management decision.
If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: