In order that practices get properly paid for their patients who reside in care homes, the patient needs to be assigned a residential Institute code within the EMIS Registration screen. This ensures that patients are allocated appropriate additional global sum weighting. It also enables much more accurate reporting on patients who are in Care Homes.
You can allocate them on this page of the Registration Module:
In order to see a Residential Institute listed here, you need to add it through Workflow Manager module.
Select the Config option on the ribbon:
In the Organisation Options section of the left-hand pane, click Trading Partners.
Then in Trading Partner Name pane, click the required Trading Partner at the top of the lower pane, click the Residential Institute Codes tab and at the top of the lower pane, click Add:
Type the name and code of the residential institute then click OK:
The residential institute is added to EMIS Web and displayed on the Residential Institute Codes tab in the lower pane.
Please note - only Residential institutes who are registered with the CQC are able to be added here.
If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: