In order for practices to get paid for Care Home residents, it is important to ensure the appropriate Residential Institute code is added to the patient record. Please see further support article on Residential Institutes here.

Additionally, many practices now need to ensure that all of their Care Home patients are correctly coded as being in a Care Home, Residential Home or Supported Living.

This support article will help you to identify patients who are living at an address associated with a Residential Institute, but do not have the appropriate code recorded. It will also help you to easily batch add the appropriate code to the list of patients. 

Identifying Patients in a Care Home

To identify patients in a care home, we suggest either:

  • Option A - to search for all patients at a specific address
  • Option B - to create an EMIS 'list' of patients if you have a current list of residents in a home.

Option A - to search for patients at a specific address:

Navigate to the Population Reporting module and select an appropriate folder (or create a new folder if required) 

Ensure the folder is highlighted and select Add >Patient > Search on the EMIS ribbon (alternatively right click on the selected folder).

Enter an appropriate Name for the search and select the Based on: population of Currently registered regular patients.

Within the Search Builder screen, select the options for Click here to begin adding Rules to this Search > Create a new Rule.

Within the Feature Builder dialogue box, select the option for Click here to choose the type of Feature you would like to create and choose the feature of Patient Details

Select the criteria of Contact Details > Postcode.

Type in the postcode of the Care Home, taking care to get the spacing of the characters right and click OK.

To narrow this down to just the Care Home, select Click here to add Criteria to this feature to add a second criteria.

Select the options Contact details > House Name / Flat Number.

Enter the name of the Care Home then select OK

Please note - if you suspect that there may be different spellings of the care home, you can use the 'Wild Card' feature. For example, the care home named Hillside may be entered as 'Hill Side' or as 'Hillside', using the wildcard will pull out both into the search results, as it will be looking for anything which starts with an H. To use the wild card feature, enter a star e.g. H* as shown below and click OK.

The search should now look as follows:

The search will  identify all patients who are at the selected postcode and who have a House Name / Flat Number starting with 'H'.

Select the Save and Run option on the EMIS ribbon to return a list of all relevant patients:

Option B - To create an EMIS 'list' of patients if you have a current list of residents in a home

Navigate to the Population Reporting module and select an appropriate folder (or create a new folder if required) 

Ensure the folder is highlighted and select Add >Patient > List of Patients on the EMIS ribbon (alternatively right click on the selected folder).

Enter an appropriate Name for the search and use the Add option to individually add the patients to the list. Alternatively you can use the Import button if you have a list of NHS numbers in a text file.


Click OK once complete. 

Batch Adding the Clinical Code

Once you have your list of patients using either of the options above, you can now easily batch add the relevant codes to the correct group.

Select the appropriate search and select the Batch Add > Clinical Code option on the EMIS ribbon.


Select the appropriate code for the type of institution within the *Batch Add field. Recommended codes are as follows:

Choose to enter 'Descriptive text' if relevant.


Complete the *Description field as necessary

Click on the magnify glass located to the right of the Search Population (Included) field and select the appropriate search (search or list created as above).

Once selected, click OK and you will be asked to confirm that you want to batch add the code before it is added.

The patients will now be coded. Repeat this for any additional care homes as required.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]