Ardens has provided practices with a suite of searches and reports encompassing various prescribing needs. These folders are structured to show if they need action, are for information or contain patients that need review.
To access the searches, navigate to the Population Reporting module > Ardens Searches > 2.25 – Prescribing – other.
To run the searches and reports, right click on either the individual report or entire folder and select the Run option (alternatively select the report or folder and click the Run option on the EMIS Web ribbon).
To view the results of a report, select the report and click on the View Results button on the ribbon (alternatively right click on the report and select the View Results option).
The folder includes:
Info – Antibiotic usage: searches and reports for both broad-spectrum and all antibiotic issues in the last month, female patients (aged 16-65y) with a UTI or suspected UTI in the last 3 months and a search and report on all genders over 65.
Info – Dependency causing medication: a suite of searches on recognised dependency medication including Z Drugs and Gabapentinoid.
Info – Drugs of low clinical value (NHSE Guidance): folders broken down by NHSE recommendations 1,2 & 3.
Info—Hospital medications not issued recently: This search identifies patients with a current medication that was last prescribed as a hospital issue. The specific timeframe for the search is determined at the time the search is run.
Info – HRT PPC – potentially eligible patients : a search to identify patients on HRT who might be eligible for a prescription payment certificate and a report with those patients contact details.
Info – NHSBSA Medication safety indicator searches: a suite of searches reporting on those patients who fail the BSA safety indicators as details in the Medication safety indicators documents.
Info – Patients on B12: search and report reporting on patients on B12 with no indicative diagnosis.
Info – Prescriber audit: identifies medications issued by a certain user or user type. In order to use this search, you must edit the search to include the practice role or username.
Info - Repeat medication not issued: reports on patients that have not had an issue of a repeat medication in a timeframe added before the search is run.
Info + Review – Coils – 8yr Licence update: the Work to do folder identifies patients over the age of 45yr who had the coil fitted in the last 5 years for contraception purposes. Additionally, a Data Quality folder is included to identify patients where the reason for the fitting is unclear.
Info + Review—DRUM reviews: searches for dispensing practices reporting on patients who have had a DRUM review, those who have had a medication review but not a DRUM review, and those who have not had a DRUM review in a particular timeframe.
Info + Review – Due medication review: a folder containing reports on medication reviews due or overdue based on coding or diary entries.
Info + Review—Linked problems: this suite contains searches identifying patients on repeat medication who either have a problem linked to the medication or do not.
Info + Review – medication due: reports identifying patients who may be due their denosumab, GNRH, progesterone or vitamin B12 injection.
Info + Review – Pill Check: includes a housekeeping report to highlight patients who have not had a further diary entry for a pill check and where patients have had a BP done recently and you may wish to consider a pill check.
Info + Review – PIT Stop: searches and reports reporting on type 2 Diabetics PIT stop including those on dual therapy, GLP1, insulin and metformin.
Info + Review – PSD required: reports to indicate that perhaps a PSD is required, as the patient is on GNRH, progesterone or vitamin B12 injections and a PSD has not been coded in the last 11 months.
Info + Review – SMR/PPR prioritisation: a suite of searches to assist with prioritising structured medication reviews and monitor achievement.
If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]