To support practices with the management of QOF, Ardens has produced additional QOF searches to identify missing coding requirements and to help manage certain QOF indicators. 

To locate the searches, navigate to the Population Reporting module > 5.22 Contracts - QOF - Misc search folder.

1. QOF Housekeeping - reviews ?missing coding

To help practices identify annual reviews which have not been coded appropriately for QOF, the following searches have been made available.

Run all the searches and view the reports.

To understand which elements of the review the patient does not have included, the 'Check Patient' feature will help.  Further information on 'Check Patient' can be found here.

2. Breakdown of QOF conditions by patient

Provides a breakdown of patients by their QOF conditions. A separate search is also available for Care Home patients. 

Running and viewing the results of the reports, will clearly display which registers the patient is on.

3. BP needed for QOF - not done this FY

This folder reports on patients with a QOF condition that requires a BP to be recorded for the financial year, however this has not been done. The subsequent report is available to give a breakdown by conditions.

4. BP out of range

This folder is broken down by 2 sub-folders, showing conditions for which BP needs to be within a certain range for QOF. The searches display details of patients who have these conditions however their latest BP this financial year is out of this range. The reports will show you the value of the latest BP.

5. Cervical screening QOF data quality

This folder contains a sub-folder of Data Quality searches to identify patients who may have had a smear or hysterectomy recorded, however the code is not a QOF acceptable code.  There are then searches to identify uptake for each target group.

6. Cholesterol indicator supporting searches

These searches have been provided to support the new QOF CHOL indicators.  Please note these are not the actual indicators, but provide searches to help you achieve the indicators.

The folder is broken down by 2 sub-folders.

The Action  - Work to do folder identifies outstanding work.

The Data Quality folder contains searches to support practices with identifying incorrect coding or missing data.

If re-recording a cholesterol code, the correct QOF codes are:

Non-HDL Cholesterol test result codes

LDL Cholesterol test result codes

7. HbA1c Out of Range

These searches identify patients on the diabetic register whose latest HbA1c is out of range.

08. AF008 Housekeeping

The following searches will highlight patients who are failing the AF008 QOF  indicator:

AF008 - In those patients with atrial fibrillation with record of a CHA2DS2-VASc score of >=2, the percentage of patients who are currently treated with a direct-acting oral anticoagulant (DOAC), or, where a DOAC was declined or clinically unsuitable, a Vitamin K antagonist.

The first search will show the total number of patients on Warfarin but they are failing this indicator. This is further broken into sub searches with the reason why:

  • ?Code TTR as no TTR recorded - these patients need to be coded with their latest INR TTR. The results of this can be located in your pathology or INRstar system and will need to be manually entered into the patient record. 
  • ?Consider coding "DOAC not indicated" as latest TTR at least 65 - we recommend reviewing the patient record and deciding if it is appropriate to add the "DOAC not indicated" code.
  • ?Consider DOAC as latest TTR less then 65 - we recommend reviewing the patient record and deciding if it is appropriate to consider DOAC for the patient.

09. Recall for BP002

This folder identifies patients who are failing the BP002 QOF indicator and therefore have not had their BP recorded in the last 5 years. 

The folder is broken down by 2 sub-folders.

Each of the sub-folders contain the same searches, the difference being the timeframe of either 5 years or 1 year.

The parent search identifies those who have not had their BP recorded in the last 5yr/1yr. These are further broken down by those that require a 1st or 2nd invite, and then those that have already been coded as receiving 2 invites within the5yr/1yr timeframe.

10. QOF Exceptions last fiscal year

The searches included in each of the QOF condition folders, identifies patients who in the last fiscal year, have had a manual exception code added to their records, as per the QOF business rules: 

These include patients that have declined clinical intervention for their condition, intervention described in the indicator is clinically unsuitable for the patient or where the investigative service is unavailable.

Practices may wish to review these patients to consider if the exception code still applies for this fiscal year.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: