EMIS web allows the ability to add your most commonly used Protocols to the F12 Protocol Launcher screen. This can be useful to quickly add clinical or administrative data to a patient’s record without the need to launch a Consultation. Ardens have developed some protocols to be manually launched from the F12 key.
Please see instructions below on how to add protocols to the F12 key and how to use them.
Adding a Protocol to the F12 Key
Press F12 on your keyboard (within any EMIS screen) to launch the Protocol launcher.
Right click on a blank slot next to one of the letters (available slots are listed A to Z and 1-9) and click Add:
The Protocol Picker screen will display, search for the relevant protocol using the search box provide (or alternatively navigate to the protocol using the folder navigation pane to the right of the screen).
Double click on the protocol or select the protocol and click on OK.
The Protocol will now be added to your F12 key.
Please note - the F12 protocol launcher is user specific and each individual user will need to add the appropriate protocols to their F12 key.
Using the F12 Key
From any screen and with a patient selected, press F12 on your keyboard to launch the Protocol Launcher.
The Protocol will now run and perform the associated action(s).
To Remove a Protocol from the F12 Key
If you no longer require a specific protocol on your F12 key. Right click on the desired protocol from the Protocol Launcher screen and select Remove.
This will remove the protocol from your Protocol Launcher.
If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected].