The Ardens Message Taking Template has been designed to primarily capture messages taken by the Receptionist from the Pathology department.
The following support article will guide you through, how to access the template, capture data and inform the GP by sending a task.
*Please ensure you have checked your practice protocol on communicating messages before proceeding*
Locating and Accessing the Message Taking Template
Once set up, the easiest way to launch this template is using the Reception Template Launcher protocol. Press F12 on your keyboard and double click Reception Template Launcher.
This will launch the multiple-choice question box to access any of the Ardens Reception/Admin templates. Select Record and inform GP of abnormal test results/message option to launch the template.
For full details on how to set up the F12 protocol, please see this support article.
Alternatively, access the relevant patient record and click on the Add button on the EMIS ribbon, followed by Data Using Template option.
This will open the Template Picker screen. If you have access any templates before, these will display to the left of the screen:
Type 'Message' in the search field and click on the magnify glass icon (alternatively you can click on the Ardens folder on the right hand side > Reception Admin templates folder).
The results will return the 'Message taking template (Reception Admin) (Ardens)' template (if you are unable to locate the template, check with your Practice Manager/IT Manager that this is activated in the background).
Select the template and click on OK to open.
Capturing Data Using the Template
When you launch the template, you maybe presented with the 'Consultation Properties' screen, here you may wish to change the Consultation Type to Administration note.
The template has been divided into pages, to make it easy to navigate. Please remember you only need to capture the data needed at that time.
The Template Information page, will not be visited often but does include a link to the Ardens support desk if you have a query.
Depending on which department you are recording a message for, click on the relevant page on the left hand side.
For this example, I have been contacted by the Haematology department, I will therefore click on the Haematology page.
I have been given an abnormal haemoglobin result over the phone for the patient, I select the Haemoglobin abnormal tick box and type in the result given in the text field provided.
Using the Important additional information section, I can add further detail of the name and telephone number of the person from the lab who has contacted the practice.
The Action Taken section at the bottom of each page allows the receptionist to code what action may be taken as a result of the message, for example ‘Duty doctor informed’ or ‘Patient added to Triage list’.
Please note - the 'Biochemistry', 'Microbiology' and 'Radiology' pages work in a very similar way. You may wish to use the 'Other messages' page for more generic messages received.
Once the data has been captured. Click on the Save button on the ribbon to save information back to the patient record.
This will trigger a message to inform the GP by task.
To send a task to the GP, select Yes (Please ensure you are following practice processes and click No if you need to inform the GP in another way).
This will launch the Task screen. Complete the necessary information and Send.
The data captured will be saved to the patient record in the Consultation screen.
If you require any further assistance please contact Ardens EMIS support: [email protected]