The Ardens Cancer Symptom Analyser supports clinicians in identifying whether a patient's symptoms and findings meet the criteria for referral based on NICE NG12 Suspected Cancer Guidelines.

The Cancer Symptom Analyser consist of the following resources:

  • Suspected Cancer Symptoms Template - designed to record details of the patients presenting symptoms. 
  • Suspected Cancer Analyser Template - offers the appropriate NICE NG12 suspected cancer guidance, depending on the symptoms recorded for the patient.

Please see this 5-min video on how it works:

Step 1 - Recording Symptoms and Findings

Access the template via the Run Template option within an open consultation (Alternatively click on the Add > Data Using Template option outside of a consultation).

Within the Template Picker screen, search for the 'Suspected Cancer Symptoms Template' using the search box provided.

Once the template is launched, you will be presented with the following screen.

Depending on the patients symptoms, click on the symptom specific page to the left of the template and complete the relevant information. Complete all symptom-specific pages that apply for the patient. 

Click on the # Non-specific features page to record non-specific features that you feel may suggest a possible cancer. We strongly recommend accessing this page and completing any necessary data for all patients before saving the template.

Click on the # Primary care investigations page to record any primary care investigation results that may suggest a possible cancer. This page also includes the most recent relevant blood tests for the patient, if the information has been recoded correctly. We strongly recommend accessing this page and completing any necessary data for all patients before saving the template.

Once all information is complete, click on the Save Template option.

Step 2 - Viewing the NICE NG12 Recommendations Based on Symptoms and Findings

Once the template has been saved, the following prompt will display.

Click Yes to confirm all symptoms have been recorded for the patient (alternatively, select the second option to return to the symptoms template).

This will launch the 'Suspected Cancer Analyser (NICE NG12)' template. The following template will display the recommended NICE NG12 guidance based on the symptoms you have recorded today.

The Symptoms page will show you the symptoms entered using the Suspected Cancer Symptom Template. Its important to note, this template will only show the NICE cancer guidance based on the symptoms recorded.

This will follow by detailed guidance for each symptom. The pages will be based on visibility rules and will only display if the symptom has been recorded.  

The Nice Recommendations page will summaries actions from the pages above. If there is no recommendations shown here, this means the data recorded does not fall within the NICE NG12 guidance (the patient may still require a referral/investigation, please use your clinical judgement when managing the patient). 

On saving the template this will give a further option to launch the Ardens Fast Track Safety Netting template should you wish to keep track of any urgent 2WW referrals or urgent diagnostics.

Ardens Cancer Resources

Ardens has created a variety of resources to support practices with the identification of the early cancer diagnosis and the management of cancer patients. To see further information on the resources available, click here

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: 

[email protected]