Ardens has created a suite of searches to assist practices identify patients consent status recorded for sharing data for secondary use of GP personal identifiable data.
To navigate to the searches, access the Population Reporting module > Ardens Searches > 1.31 Administration - Registration > Info - Data sharing consent folder:
This folder contains three searches.
The first search in this folder identifies patients whose latest consent code recorded is Dissent from secondary use of GP PID.
The second search displays patients who had previously been coded with dissent, however they have since been coded as withdrawing dissent.
The third search identifies those patients who have either not been recorded with dissent or they have withdrawn the no dissent code - therefore this search displays patients who have not opted out for sharing GP patient identifiable information.
Right click on the search folder or individual search to Run the searches.
If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]