There are several QOF indicators which have a time limitation for achievement. These are:

Asthma (AST011) - spirometry and one other objective test between 3 months before or 6 months after diagnosis.

Cancer (CAN004) - structured cancer care review within 12 months of the date of diagnosis.

Cancer (CAN005) - primary care discussion of support available within 3 months of diagnosis.

COPD (COPD014) - referral to pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with MRC scale > 3 within last 12 months.

Depression (DEP004) - Interim review within 10-56 days of diagnosis.

Diabetes (DM014) - newly diagnosed patients with structured education referral within 9 months of diagnosis.

Heart Failure (HF008)  - Echo to confirm diagnosis between 3 months before and 6 months after diagnosis.

Ardens has produced searches to help you with these.

They all follow a similar format.

Search 1. shows you those who have had the activity appropriately recorded.

Search 2. shows you who is currently outstanding and includes some 'housekeeping' searches showing those who may have had the item coded but using an incorrect code.

Search 3. shows you patients unsuitable.

Searches 4 are exception reported.

Each folder differs slightly in that there are more reports available in some to break activity down but the search title explains what it is showing you.

Please note - the searches will not match the GP Contract searches, these searches are to identify where there is still time left to see the patient. 

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: