Ardens has created electronic versions of patient leaflets for 2ww and Fast Track referrals in other languages. These leaflets can be used on an individual basis and created within the patient record. As there are no merge fields within the leaflets, they may alternatively be printed direct from Template Manager or Resource Publisher module.


The available 2ww and Fast Track Leaflets include:

  • Fast Track Arabic Pathway 
  • Fast Track Bengali Pathway
  • Fast Track Farsi Pathway
  • Fast Track Polish Pathway
  • Fast Track Tagalog Philippines Pathway
  • Patient Information For Urgent Referrals
  • Info - Fast Track Referrals During COVID-19
  • Info - Fast Track Referrals During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Info - Fast Track Referrals During the COVID-19 Pandemic Kurdish 


To use the leaflets, access the relevant patient record either:

  • Within a consultation - select Document > Create letter
  • From the patient record - select Add > Document > Create letter


This will display the New Patient Letter screen.


Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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Click on the magnify glass icon to search for the relevant leaflet.


This will display the Find Document Templates screen.

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Search for the leaflet using the search box provided (alternatively, for Resource Publisher sites, select Shared Folders > Ardens National Documents folder > 2ww and Fast Track Leaflets. For Template Manager sites, under the Hierarchy tab, select the Ardens Docs folder > 2ww and Fast Track Leaflets).


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Double click on the relevant leaflet to launch.


The following example shows the Fast Track Arabic Pathway leaflet.  


Graphical user interface, application, Word

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To print the leaflet, click on the yellow File option at the top left of the screen and select Print.  


To save the leaflet to the patient record, click on the File option at the top left of the screen and select Save and Close.  


Once the leaflet has been saved to the patient record, if you wish to send it by email to the patient, select the Documents tab of the patient record. 


Double click on the relevant leaflet to open.


At the bottom right of the screen, use the options for emailing.



If you are using Microsoft Outlook, click on the Send > via Email option to open an email in Outlook, with the letter attached.


If you are not using Microsoft Outlook, click on the Export button to save the document to a secure location. This can then be selected as an attachment to your email.


Printing from Template Manager or Resource Publisher

The below steps will show you where the 2ww and Fast Track Leaflets have been stored in your EMIS Web system and you may print these leaflets directly from there.  Please note, in order to follow these steps, you must have the relevant access rights. 


For practices with Template Manager:

Click on the EMIS bubble > Configuration > Template Manager > go to the Document Templates tab at the top of the column on the left-hand side of the page > Ardens Docs folder.


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This folder includes standard national documents templates that form part of your Ardens toolset and will have all the relevant mail merge fields in them.


Select 2ww and Fast Track Leaflets folder, then select the required Fast Track leaflet from the right hand panel.  From the ribbon, select Print and OK in the printer dialogue box.


For practices with Resource Publisher:

Click on the EMIS bubble > Configuration >Resource Publisher > select the Document templates navigation bar (bottom left) > Shared folder > Ardens National Documents > 2ww and Fast Track Leaflets folder. Then select the required Fast Track leaflet from the right hand panel.  From the ribbon, select Print and OK in the printer dialogue box. 

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: