The Ardens Nursing Procedures protocol allow easy access to the most common clinical templates used by the nursing team. It includes links to the following templates:

  • Contraception/Cervical Smear/Prolapse & Pessary/Menopause 
  • COPD/AST related templates (FeNo Testing, PEFR Variability & reversibility, Spirometry)
  • ECG + Screening
  • Ear irrigation
  • Health Check (NHS Health check, Over 75 health check)
  • Immunisation / Vaccinations (Adult Imms, Child Imms. Injections and Travel vaccinations)
  • Lifestyle and Weight management (Lifestyle + Social history, Smoking cessation, Weight Management and Obesity)
  • Minor Surgery / Joint Injections
  • Wound Management and Leg ulcer
  • Phlebotomy
  • Pulses and ABPI Doppler
  • Urinalysis (Urine Dipstick)
  • PSD related templates 
  • Multi-Morbidity Templates
  • Diabetes

The protocol is to be launched manually via the F12 key when ready to use.

Adding the Nursing Procedure Protocol to the F12 Key

Please note the following steps need to be completed for each individual user.

Press F12 on your keyboard to launch the Protocol Launcher screen.

Right click on a associated letter or number and select the Add option. 

This will launch the Protocol Picker screen. Search for the Nursing Procedures Template Launcher protocol using the search field provided.

Once located, double click on the protocol to add to your Protocol Launcher (alternatively select the protocol and click OK).

How to Use the Nursing Procedure Protocol

Launch the required patients care record.

Press F12 on your keyboard.

This will display the following multiple choice question box, select the relevant option to launch the template. 

Complete the required information using the template, and click on Save once complete.

Once saved, you will be asked if you would like to choose another template.


Click Yes to redisplay the multiple choice question box or No to return the the patient record.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on:

[email protected]