The Cancer area of the Investment and Impact Fund requires lower gastrointestinal 2ww fast track referrals to be accompanied by a FIT test result.  The result needs to have been recorded in the 21 days before the referral.

Ardens have provided searches to monitor this activity and some practices may find patients who have had a FIT test result within the correct timeframe, however they are not appearing in the results of the Cancer | Lower GI 2WW referral 2023-24 with FIT 21d before referral search:



This may be that the result is coming into your EMIS system not matched to a clinical code:


To match the result to the correct code, so that future results will automatically be coded, navigate to Workflow Manager, select Lab Reports and on the ribbon click Config:

In the Organisation Options section click Inbound Code Matches:



In the Code Matches pane scroll to find the FAECAL IMMUNOCHEMICAL TEST, highlight, and select Edit:



On the Edit Code Match screen click the maginfy glass and in the Code Selector screen search Quantative Faecal Immunnochemical test, select the correct code ( 1049361000000101) and click OK:


On the Code Matches Screen click OK:


This will now match future FIT test results to the correct code.

Please note you may have variations in how this inbound term is displayed e.g upper and lower case – Faecal Immunochemical Test, FAECAL IMMUNOCHEMICAL TEST, FAECAL Immunochemical Test.  All these variations will need to be matched to the correct code if not already matched.

You will need to manualy add the code to the patients records who’s results have already been recorded with no code attached.

Select the Population Excluded tab from the Cancer/Lower GI 2WW referral 2023-24 with FIT 21d before referral search:



Navigate to the patients Investigations tab to check whether there is a FIT test result with no appropriate code.  Highlight the result and check the Detailed View to the right of the screen:



If No SNOMED detail found, you will need to manually add the code to the records on the date of the original result.

If you require any further assistance please contact Ardens EMIS support: