For areas that are responsible for delivering locally commissioned services, there may be a requirement for practices to claim ONLY for procedure activity done in the practice and not elsewhere.

We have started to further enhanced our suite of local area searches to help practices identify where activity has been done in practice or elsewhere.

If relevant for your area, activity reports will display as follows;

To view the results of the report once run, click on the View Results option on the EMIS ribbon.

This will display the activity report. 

The top row of the report will display the organisation that has recorded the code, this will allow differentiation between activity coded by the practice and activity coded elsewhere.

The "Unknown" field of the top row may signify that this information has been fed through from an external source e.g. Pinnacle.

The second row of the report shows the type of consultation, for 'Unknown' this is normally data entered outside of a consultation (e.g. letter source or other external source). 

It is advisable to further investigate those shown under the unknown column and this can be done by clicking on the number, which will then display the list of patients.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]