The MenACWY vaccine gives protection to four strains of the meningococcal bacteria. Children aged 13 to 15 (year 9 and 10) are routinely offered the vaccine in school. Patients born after 1st September 1996 who was eligible but missed their routine vaccine can still receive the vaccine up to their 25th birthday.

Ardens has produced a suite of searches to support GP practices in identifying patients eligible for the MenACWY vaccine. The searches can be located in the Population Reporting > Ardens Searches > 3.20 Vaccinations - Other > Info + actionMen ACWY (eligibility) search folder. 

The searches will pick up patients aged 14 years to 25 years, however, practices must take into account that patients 14 years to 15 years will be picked up by the school. Practices should use these searches only for catch- up purposes.

The searches will also indicate those patients that have declined or contraindicated. 

To run the searches, right click on the search folder and select Run. Patients that meet the criteria of the search will display in the Population Included tab.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: