Your practice will receive regular updates of the the latest versions of the Ardens searches every 3-4weeks. Should you wish to download any updates between your scheduled update you have the option to do so via the Ardens Portal.

It is important practices do not rename the 'Ardens' search folder (or any of the search folders within it), as this may lead to unintended creation of duplicate folders during the scheduled update process.

Update Process

We will email you the day before we intend to update your practice to ensure this is convenient.

Once you receive the email notifying you of the intended update, you should ensure any Ardens searches you have customised are moved into your own folder.


Should you wish to cancel this update you should either:

a)  Visit the Ardens Portal and click the 'Cancel' button under the 'Pending Search Update' section.

b) Reply urgently to the email to request that the update is cancelled.

If we do not hear back from you, we will continue with the proposed update.

Once the update has been completed, your practice will automatically be added to the update queue and the process commenced again. Currently, updates will take place at approximately 21 - 30 days intervals.


Should you require another update between your scheduled updates, you can request this via the ‘Request Search Update’ button on the Ardens Portal (or you are still able to manually update your practice should you prefer).

Please note - this update may take up to 7 days to be completed and will reset the clock for your next scheduled update.



When we update your system, we will rename each of the old Ardens search folders zOLD, this will move the folders to bottom of the list within your Ardens folder.

This ensures all data within the old search folders remains and you are able to review and delete as appropriate.

We will notify you by email once the update has been completed.


If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: