Navigate to the Data Sharing Manager module by selecting Configuration > Data Sharing Manager:

In the bottom-left panel, select Resource Publisher:

You will see the Ardens Starter listed in the left-hand panel (please note – you may see Ardens PLUS and Ardens PRO, these will also need to be deactivated).  If it has a green tick next to it, it is active, if it has a red cross next to it, it is currently deactivated.

To deactivate, select the data agreement (remember you need to do this for PLUS and PRO agreements also if visible) and click the Deactivate Agreement button in the top ribbon menu:

After a few moments, the agreement should say it is no longer active and have a red X next to it.  

You have now deactivated the Ardens EMIS content via Resource Publisher.


If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]