Document launchers have been designed to allow GP practices to quickly and easily access local referral forms from anywhere in the patient record.

Please note - the document launchers are only available for Ardens Pro customers.

Adding your Local Document (Referral Forms) Launchers to the F12 Key

The document launcher is a protocol that is accessed manually and in first instance needs to be added to your F12 key. To add the protocol:

  • Press F12 on your keyboard to launch the Protocol Launcher screen (if you are using a laptop press FN +F12).
  • Right click on an available letter or number and select Add.
  • Search for the protocol by typing in "Documents Launcher" and then selecting the document launcher for your area. 
  • Once you have located the protocol, select it and click OK

This will add the launcher to your F12 key.

Please note - each individual user needs to add the protocol to their F12 key.

Launching the Protocol

To access the document launcher, press F12 on your keyboard and double click on the protocol.

This will open a multiple choice question listing the categories of the referrals.

Click on the required option and select the appropriate referral form to launch.

If you need to go back a screen, click on the Back option or End to exit the protocol.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]