Ardens has provided practices with a suite of searches and reports encompassing various registration related areas.


To access the searches, navigate to the Population Reporting module > Ardens Searches > 1.31 Administration - Registration folder.

The folder has been structured to show searches that need to be action, reviewed and are for information only.

The action folders highlight the following:

Action + info - contact details - There two folders - Action and Information 

The data quality searches include a report to action patients over 16 that do not have a mobile or email recorded. The second folder those patients who have a mobile number in the residential field but NOT in the mobile field, these patient will not receive a bulk text if not corrected. 

The Information folder  includes information searches reporting on accessibility and communication requirements recorded in patient records, those patients who have a mobile recorded correctly, those patients who decline telephone contact and review searches on those over 16 with no consent for email or mobile contact. 

Action + Review – Language 

Includes "action" reports for patients were their main language has not been recorded that can be used to send SMS or email. The "information" reports on those patients with main or second language recorded.

Action + Info Reasonable adjustment

There are three folders here for data quality, screening and RA registers. The data quality folder contains 3 searches to check that the reasonable adjustment is recorded correctly for the legal threshold.

The screening folder contains a search for patients with LD, dementia and autism that perhaps should have a RA

The Info + action folder contains searches and reports to use to monitor those patients who have a reasonable adjustment and those that perhaps need an appointment to discuss and code any reasonable adjustment

Action – Care Home Residents – RI code reports on patients recorded in a care home and a missing residential institute  code or the code is incorrect. 

Action – Registration Anomalies – patients who do not have “notification of registration” as their latest status will not be included in a search for currently registered patients and will not count towards capitation. There is a search here to find patients that may have joined the practice some time ago but do not have “currently registered” status.

The Review folder highlights the following:

Consider Review - Patient warning trigger report - highlights all patients with a patient warning, with a further report to show what the warning trigger is.

Review - Contact details and preferences - identifies patients over 16 years missing either a mobile or email address, plus no consent status.

The Info folders highlight the following:

Info – Data sharing consent contains searches for patients who have dissented for GDPR for secondary use or where no dissent has been recorded.

Info - Ethnicity - includes a mixture of info only and review searches. The figure in the % column of the 'NO 2016 Ethnicity code' search will show you the percentage of patients in the practice with no record of a correct (2016) ethnicity code. Other searches are reporting on patients where they may have a ethnicity code but not a 2016 recognised one.

Info - Military veterans- reports on those patients who are coded as military veterans or are family members of military veterans.

Info - Named GP - identify patients who have or have not been allocated and informed of their named GP. 

Info - Online record access - a group of searches to report on patients online status including a search for patients with proxy access, those who have the record review code and the access level of patients.

Info - SCR Consent - this folder has 3 folders reporting on patients who have consented or dissented to upload to SCR.

Info - Summarisation of patient records -searches to indicate the percentage of patients records that have been coded as summarised since joining the practice, new records that have been received in the last 2-12m and a search reporting on those that may need chasing with PCSE.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]