Ardens has provided practices with a suite of searches and reports encompassing various registration related areas.
To access the searches, navigate to the Population Reporting module > Ardens Searches > 1.31 Administration - Registration folder.
The folder has been structured to show searches that need to be action, reviewed and are for information only.
The action folders highlight the following:
- Action – Care Home Residents – RI code reports on patients recorded in a care home and a missing residential institute code or the code is incorrect.
- Action – Mobile phone number in wrong field identifies patients who have a mobile number recorded in the home field instead of the mobile field, which may impact patients receiving practice comms via text messaging.
- Action – Registration Anomalies – patients who do not have “currently registered” as their latest status will not be included in a search for currently registered patients and will not count towards capitation. There is a search here to find patients that may have joined the practice some time ago but do not have “currently registered” status.
The review folders highlight the following:
- Info + Review – Language reports on patients were there main language has not been recorded.
- Info – Data sharing consent contains searches for patients who have dissented for GDPR for secondary use or where no dissent has been recorded.
- Info – Electronic communication option – includes patients who have an active online access account, and patients with an email or mobile number with no dissent.
- Review - Contact details and preferences - identifies patients over 16 years missing either a mobile or email address, plus no consent status.
- Review - Patient warning trigger report - highlights all patients with a patient warning, with a further report to show what the warning trigger is.
The Info folders highlight the following:
- Info - Ethnicity - includes a mixture of info only and review searches. The figure in the % column of the 'NO 2016 Ethnicity code' search will show you the percentage of patients in the practice with no record of a correct (2016) ethnicity code. Other searches are reporting on patients where they may have a ethnicity code but not a 2016 recognised one.
- Info - Military - reports on those patients who are coded as military veterans or are family members of military veterans.
- Info - Named GP - identify patients who have or have not been allocated and informed of their named GP.
- Info - Online record access - a group of searches to report on patients online status including a search for patients with proxy access, those who have the record review code and the access level of patients.
- Info - Summarisation of patient records -searches to indicate the percentage of patients records that have been coded as summarised since joining the practice, new records that have been received in the last 2-12m and a search reporting on those that may need chasing with PCSE.
- Info – Ukrainian Patients reporting on Ukrainian patients that have joined the practice since the war in Ukraine started in February 2022 and a report detailed those who have been coded as asylum seekers or refugees.
If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]