Most insurance reports go through various separate stages in the practice and can sometimes get “lost”. The idea of the Ardens Insurance Report Tracking is to avoid that.

By using the Ardens template to record where the insurance report is in the various stages means that if either the insurance company or patient chases the report, then anyone in the practice can see the stage of the report is by looking in the patient's record.  The searches enable an overview of reports in the practice and when they have been paid for and completed.

Ardens Insurance Report Tracking Template

Once set up, the easiest way to launch this template is using the Reception Template Launcher protocol. Press F12 on your keyboard and double click Reception Template Launcher.

This will launch the multiple-choice question box to access any Ardens Reception/Admin template. Select Patient administration > Record insurance report details to launch the template.

For full details on how to set up the F12 protocol, please see this support article.

Alternatively, access the Run Template option within a consultation (alternatively click on the Add > Data Using Template option on the EMIS ribbon outside of a consultation).

The Template Picker screen will display, search for the Insurance Report Tracking template using the search box provided or folder navigation pane. Select the template and click on OK.

Please note – if using the folder navigation pane the template can be found in the Ardens folder > Reception Admin Templates folder.  For Resource Publisher sites, click on the Shared folder to view the Ardens folder.

The Insurance Report Tracking page includes the different stages of an insurance report. Please always include the name of the insurance company where prompted to make reporting more accurate.

Further pages are also available to keep track of Solicitor Reports, Medical Reports and Request for letters. 

Once you have completed the relevant information, Save the template.


Ardens Insurance Report Tracking Searches

To access the searches, navigate to the Population Reporting module > Ardens Searches > 1.30 Administration - Misc > Tracking - Insurance and other reports folder.

The searches have a parameter date range which means practices can set their preferred timeframe. Right click on the folder and select Run.

For more information on how parameter date ranges work please click here


Within the Insurance reports folder, the first two searches separate insurance reports that have payments received or not in the parameter time frame. The reports show if the payment has not been received or an overview of the status of all of the reports received in the parameter period.


The third search searches for all reports received in the parameter time frame that have completed but as yet not sent back to the requester.


It may be worth considering exporting the report to Excel if patients have many insurance reports, this enables a better way of filtering.


To export to Excel, once the report has run click on View Results > Export > Excel  and save to an appropriate file or the desktop.

In Excel filters can be added to filter on any of the columns e.g. the free text columns including the name of the insurance company or whether the report has been completed or sent.

Similar searches are available for Medical reports, Patient requests for letters and Solicitor reports

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]