Ardens has created template launchers protocols for all templates, all consultation categories and certain job roles, to enable users to easily access an Ardens template from anywhere in the patient record.

The template launchers include:

All Template Launcher Protocol

This launcher provides quick access to all Ardens Chronic Disease Templates, consultation templates as well as the Nursing Procedures templates. Selecting the relevant option will open an additional multiple choice question containing all templates from the chosen folder.

Template Launchers by Category

There are also template launchers for each consultation category. Each category launcher protocol contains relevant templates to select.

GP Quick Assistant

This launcher is designed to enable GPs to save valuable time and optimise daily workflows through an easy to use protocol that consists of single-page templates and prescribing protocols. Further information can be found here.

Urgent Care/Minor Illness template launcher

This launcher is designed to provide easy access to templates required for urgent care or minor illness consultations.

ARRS Template Launcher

This launcher is designed for the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) staff and gives easy access to the relevant Ardens templates depending on the role selected.

In addition to the main ARRS protocol that applies to all job roles, we also have specific protocols tailored to each individual role.

Nursing Procedure Template Launcher

This launcher is designed for nurses and HCAs and offers a selection of common Ardens templates to be used for treatment room clinics e.g. Wound Management, Minor Surgery, Phlebotomy. 

Reception Template Launcher

This launcher is designed for Reception and Admin staff and gives access to a selection of Ardens admin templates e.g. Care Navigation & Screening, Prescription Admin, Equipment Loan.

National Documents Template Launcher

This launcher is designed to allow users easy access to any Ardens national document template from anywhere within the patient record.

To add the Template Launchers to the F12 Key

Press F12 on your keyboard (within any EMIS screen) to launch the Protocol Launcher.

Right click on a letter or number and click Add.

Search for the relevant template launcher using the search field provided, select the item once found and click OK. This will be added to your protocol launcher.

Click Close to exit the screen.

Please note - the F12 protocol launcher is user specific and each individual user will need to add the appropriate protocols to their F12. 

Accessing the Template Launchers from a Patient Record

Once within a patient record, press F12.

Double click on the relevant protocol to launch.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]