Ardens has designed tools to help practices to easily manage the loan and return of equipment within the practice. The Equipment Loan template supports staff in capturing equipment that has been loaned, returned and the option to add patients to a 'waiting list'. The template is supported with searches which have been created to assist with the management and monitoring of equipment loaned to your patients.

Equipment Loan Template

Once set up, the easiest way to launch this template is using the Reception Template Launcher protocol. Press F12 on your keyboard and double click Reception Template Launcher.

This will launch the multiple-choice question box to access any of the Ardens Reception/Admin templates. Select Patient administration > Record loaned equipment to launch the template.

For full details on how to set up the F12 protocol, please see this support article.

 access the Equipment Loan Template, search for the appropriate patient in EMIS Web and launch the patient Care Record. Click on the the drop-down arrow below the Add button and select the option for Data using Template.

The Template Picker screen is displayed.  Search for the Equipment Loan Template using the search box provided or navigate to the Ardens folder located to the left of the screen and select the Reception admin templates folder.

Double click on the template to launch.

The template has been broken down by pages to make it easy to navigate, access the page you require.

In the example below, the patient has been loaned a 24-hour BP machine.  Click on the appropriate page and complete the ‘Loaned’ section.

Click on the Save option once complete.

When the patient returns the equipment to the practice, open the 'Equipment Loan' template and select the relevant page.

This time we complete the 'Returned' section.

Further options to complete the results is available if required.

Click on the Save option once complete.

Please note - If you need to compile a waiting list of patients who need to be loaned equipment, this may be done using the 'Waiting list' section.

Equipment Loan Searches

The Equipment Loan searches and reports will help to identify patients who have loaned or returned equipment, patients who have been loaned equipment and have not returned it and patients on the waiting list.

Please see the following support article for further information. 

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]