The following support article gives you instructions on how to add the flu protocol to the F12 key. 

Please note: this process needs to be repeated once for each user who wishes to use the seasonal immunisation protocols, whilst that user is logged in to EMIS Web. 

1. In consultation mode (with any patient selected), press the F12 key on the keyboard. 

2. The protocol launcher menu should appear on the right side of the screen. 

3. Right-click in a blank slot next to one of the letters and click Add

4. The search window will open; type ‘Flu vacc’ into the top-left box and press enter; you should see ‘Flu vaccine administration 2023-24’ appear in the box as below:

NOTE - if you have Resource Publisher and you have copied the protocol to add the batch numbers, please ensure that you name it slightly differently once you have added the details, to ensure users pick the correct one (e.g. put your practice name in the title).

5. Double-click the ‘Flu vaccine administration 2023-24’ and it should then be added to the slot in the protocol launcher that you chose:

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: