Seasonal Immunisation Resources

Flu Vaccination Check Invitation Protocol
Ardens has created a protocol to support the Reception Team in identifying if a patient has been invited for the flu vaccine for this flu season when contac...
Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 at 4:23 PM
Template Manager Sites - Importing and Setting the Batch Numbers for Flu Season
The following support article gives instructions on how to import and set batch numbers for the Ardens Seasonal Immunisation Protocol 2023-24. Please se...
Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 at 4:55 PM
Resource Publisher Sites - Copying and Setting Batch Numbers for Flu Season
The following support article gives instructions on how to copy and set batch numbers for the Ardens Seasonal Immunisation Protocol 2023-24. Please see ...
Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 at 4:54 PM
Adding the Flu Protocol to the F12 Protocol Launcher
The following support article gives you instructions on how to add the flu protocol to the F12 key.  Please note: this process needs to be repeated once...
Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 at 12:29 PM
Pneumococcal Vaccination Protocol
Ardens has created a pneumococcal protocol to help clinicians ensure they are recording the correct vaccinations codes for payment. The protocol is launched...
Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 at 4:23 PM
Adding the Pneumococcal Protocol to the F12 Protocol Launcher
The following support article gives you instructions on how to add the pneumococcal protocol to the F12 key.    Please note: this process needs to be repe...
Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 at 4:21 PM