We have provided an F12 protocol which a call-taker can use to identify which conditions a patient has been recalled for.
Example – if a patient has received a generic recall invitation and has then called the practice to book the appointment, the call taker will launch the F12 protocol, which will then look for an invitation code with no subsequent review for that condition. It will then display what the patient has outstanding.
To Add the Protocol to your F12 key
Please note the protocol needs to be added to each individual users F12 key.
Press the F12 key anywhere in your EMIS Web system to launch the Protocol Launcher screen.
Right click on a available letter or number and select the option for Add, this will launch the Protocol Picker screen.
Search for the 'LTC recall letter sent display' protocol using the search box provided.
Select the protocol and click on OK.
This will then be available on your Protocol Launcher list when you are ready to use.
Using the F12 Protocol
When the patient contacts the practice to book an appointment, the call taker will press F12 key on their keyboard to launch the Protocol Launcher screen and then double click on the 'LTC Recall letter sent display' protocol.
This will display the following screen, showing which reviews the patient is being recalled in for:
If the patient has no reviews outstanding, the following message will display:
For Resource Publisher sites, the protocol can further display outstanding or future diary entries.
Selecting Yes will open the following multiple-choice questions:
The top half of this screen will display details of the diary entry due.
Further actions are available as follows:
- Book an appointment - this option will launch the Find Slot screen to book a further appointment for the patient,
- Create a task - will open the task screen.
- Check for results that have come in after diary dates - will display a further pop up and inform the receptionist if it appears from the record that the patient has since had a subsequent result (further information on this alert can be found here).
- Skip this time - will close the screen and return to the Appointment Book.
Select the appropriate action to continue.
If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens Support on: [email protected]