Ardens has produced NHS Health Check searches to support identifying patients to be invited, and also for reporting on activity and for data quality. 

For information on the Ardens NHS Health Check Invitation Searches, please see this support article

To locate the data quality and activity reporting searches, navigate to the Population Reporting module > Ardens Searches > 5.36 Contracts - NHS Health Check searches folder.

1. Invitation Searches

This search folder provides searches to help practices identify eligible patients to invite for NHS Health Checks. For further information on this particular folder of searches, please see the following support article.

2. Data Quality

The ?Complete NHS HC as commenced in last 1y but not completed search identifies where a health check has been coded as commenced (using the tick box on the NHS Health Check template) but not marked as completed.  These patients will need to have their health check completed and code as such.

The ?Consider coding familial hypercholesterolaemia - has pure hypercholesterolaemia search will surface patients who are coded with pure hypercholesterolaemia.  This condition is not the same as familial hypercholesterolaemia which is an exclusion criteria for a health check.  The records of patients returned in this search should be clinically reviewed to determine whether or not familial hypercholesterolaemia should be added to their record.

The ?Record registered in deprived area on same day as NHS HC as recorded previously search identifies patients who were previously coded as living in a deprived area on the same day as the last health check was completed.  You may need to add this code again.

Other searches in this folder identify patients who:

  • have had more than one 'Health Check completed' code added to their record in the last quarter
  • have been given a Health Check outside of the eligible age range
  • have pre-existing conditions which would normally exclude them from being eligible for a Health Check
  • have been sent an invitation for a Health Check when they were not within the eligible age range

3. Activity - Monthly

This folder includes searches to identify NHS Health Check activity in the last month (health checks completed and invitations sent), with aggregate reports showing this data.

If you need to run these searches and reports for a previous month, this can be achieved by using a Relative Run Date.  You can find further information in this support article.


4. Activity - Quarterly

In this folder, there are a range of searches providing the percentages of NHS Health Checks done, outcomes achieved, invitations sent, and other useful breakdowns of data, all from the last yearly quarter, some of which can be seen in the images below:

5. Ardens Manager NHS HC Contract Report

This search folder contains the report which is uploaded to Ardens Manager (National Contract Subscribers only) to view in dashboard format.  For more information on Ardens Manager, or (if your practice is not already a subscriber) to sign up for a free trial, please access the Ardens website.


NHS Health Check Template

To ensure that you are recording correctly coded data, Ardens has designed the NHS Health Check template.  Using this template will ensure you are capturing the relevant data extracted by the NHS Health Check searches.

This template includes a Quick Entry page, which focuses on NHS Health Check Best Practice guidance only, making it quick and easy to record health check data and save to the patient record.  Other pages within the template can be used where optional components also need to be recorded.

Document Templates

We have also made available an NHS Health Check Invite document template, which can be found in the Ardens National Documents > Recall Letters folder.  

There is also an NHS Health Check Results Leaflet template which can be located from the Miscellaneous Letter+Forms for Patients folder.  Both of these can be used from within the patient care record by selecting Document > Create letter and then searching for the relevant document.

Further learning - why not access Ardens Academy and enrol on the NHS Health Check module to expand your knowledge?  If you are not already signed up to Ardens Academy, you can do so here.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: 

[email protected]