The local commissioned service (LCS) templates and reports are provided as part of the Ardens Plus & Pro package and provide GP practices with the ability to record and report on locally commissioned data for your area.

Recording Data Using the Ardens templates

Practices will have access to a CCG Index template displaying pages for each of your local specifications.  


To access the template, within a patient record, click on the Add > Data Using Template option. Search for the “XXXX CCG Localisation Index” template (where XXXX is your CCG) and double click to access:

Each page will outline the aim of the specification and will provide details of which Ardens templates practice staff will be using to capture the required information:

To record activity, access the relevant Ardens template.  This will display your CCG page with details of the specification and data entry fields for recording the information required for payment:

Please note - the localised page is triggered by a 'Primary Care Group' diary entry code which is applied to the patient record automatically by an Ardens protocol running in the background. There are no actions for practices to take on this, the protocol will apply the correct diary entry when required. 

Monitoring Activity using the Ardens Searches

If your area uses the Ardens searches for LCS data analysis, Ardens will have worked closely with your CCG to ensure the criteria matches the requirements of the specifications.


To access the searches, navigate to the Population Reporting module > Ardens Searches > XXX CCG searches (Ardens) folder (where XXX is your CCG name).  The folder will be broken down by sub folders with a folder for each of your CCG specifications:


When running the searches, these can be run as of now (this may differ depending on areas). There is no need for relative run dates, unless looking at a previous payment period.

Some folders will contain patient searches reporting on number of patients, some will contain activity reports reporting on number of clinical codes.

To view the list of patients included in the search results, go to the bottom half of the screen and select Population Included:

Right clicking on a patient will give you the options to access various areas of their records, selecting Check Patient will give you details on why the patient is in the results of that search:

To view the results of a report, select View Results on the EMIS ribbon:

If the report is a patient report, you will see patient details as well as other details specific to the search:

If the report is an aggregate report, it will report on activity and display numbers of clinical codes:

Selecting the total in the report will display the details of the patient.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: