Ardens has created a protocol to support the Reception Team in identifying if a patient has been invited for the flu vaccine for this flu season when contacting the practice.

To use the protocol, each staff member must add the following protocol to their F12 Key.

To do this, press F12 on your keyboard to launch the Protocol Launcher.

Right click on a letter or number, select the option for Add and search and for following protocol:

Click OK to add this to your F12 list.

Once added, the protocol can be launched within the appointment screen or patient record when needed. Click the F12 button and double click on the protocol to launch.

The protocol will first check if the patient has had a flu invitation code recorded for this season and whether or not the patient has already had their flu vaccine. It WILL NOT check for eligibility. 

If the patient has been invited for this flu season, the following box will display:

If the patient has not been invited for this flu season, the following box will display:

If the patient has already had a flu vaccine and it is coded correctly, the following box will display:

If the patient has already had a flu vaccine this year and a further invitation has been recorded, the following box will display (check a second vaccine is not required):

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: