Ardens has created a wide range of clinical templates to assist with data entry for a variety of clinical areas.


The available Gastroenterology Templates include:

  • Abdominal pain in adults - this template is designed for adults aged 18 and over presenting with abdominal pain.  It provides a framework to record key findings, and it provides useful links to help with diagnosis.
  • Abnormal LFTs (including NAFLD) - this template can be used to gather information with which to determine the cause of a patient’s abnormal liver function tests.  The most common causes are listed on the Condition page, and there are pages specific to the management of NAFLD, as well as other causes.  The recording of an onward referral is also possible.
  • Coeliac disease - the Coeliac disease template outlines the condition and allows the user to record all relevant information, including diagnosis.  There are pages to record testing, management, reviews, and immunisation against influenza and pneumococcal infection.
  • Dietitian Notes - the Dietitian Notes template can be used when a patient is referred for a dietetic assessment. Relevant background information can be noted, and the outcomes recorded.
  • Diverticular disease - this template can be used to capture details around assessment, investigations, management and referrals, with links to NICE guidance and many other useful resources for both healthcare professionals and patients
  • Dyspepsia - this template is for use with adults presenting with, or being reviewed for, dyspepsia. Relevant medical history and symptoms can be recorded, along with management plan details, referrals, and reviews. This template can also be used to record details of H.Pylori breath testing as a stand-alone procedure.
  • Faecal immunochemical testing (FIT)  - a template to document if a patient has been given a FIT kit or declined one and if the results do not file directly into the patients’ records enables recording of the result.
  • Food allergy and intolerance - this template can be used for both adults and children. History, examination, and investigation details can be noted, as well as a management plan and referrals.
  • Gilberts Disease- Patients are generally asymptomatic for Gilberts Disease but may present with a single or multiple episode of mild jaundice associated with the factors below so accurate recording in the patient record is essential. This template will help record the symptoms that might suggest the patient has Gilberts Disease.
  • Haemorrhoids (piles) - the Haemorrhoids template outlines the condition and gives a link to the grading of haemorrhoids.  Relevant history, symptom and examination details can be recorded, as well as advice given, and referrals made.
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease - this template covers both ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.  History, symptoms, and examination details may be recorded, as well as emergency management or further investigations.  Referrals, reviews, and management of flare-ups can also be recorded.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome - this template can be used for adults aged 18 and over presenting with symptoms of IBS, allowing the clinician to gather key information and findings and to record management plan details and referrals.
  • Nutrition Checklist - the Nutrition Checklist is based on the Patients Association Malnutrition Checklist, a tool used to identify the potential risk of undernutrition in adults.  There are many useful links to guidance and patient leaflets.
  • Rectal Bleeding - the Rectal Bleeding template is for use with patients presenting with symptoms of rectal bleeding. History and examination details can be recorded, as well as red flag signs and symptoms.   Primary care management details can be noted, as can emergency admission, 2ww referral or other referral pathways.


The Gastroenterology templates are located in the Ardens Live Toolset > Clinical Templates folder.


They may be accessed within the patient record in one of the following ways:

  • Click on the Run Template option within the consultation.
  • Click on the Add > Data using Template option outside of a consultation.


Clicking on either of the options above will display the Template Picker screen. 



Search for the template you require using the search box provided or via the navigation pane. Select the template and click on OK.


Alternatively, you can launch the template using the Template Launcher (All Template Launcher or zTemplate launcher: Gastroenterology protocols). 


Once you have launched the template. Complete the template using the required fields and ensure you save the information, using the Save option.


If using the template via the Run Template option within an open consultation, you will also need to click Save to save the consultation.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]