To meet the current QOF requirements for DM014, patients should be referred to a structured education programme within 9 months of the diagnosis.


Ardens has created the following searches to support practices in identifying newly diagnosed diabetic patients eligible for a referral to ensure this is completed in time. 


To locate the searches, access the Population Reporting module > Ardens Searches > 5.21 Contracts - QOF - Time sensitive > Time sensitive QOF Searches – Diabetes DM014 search folder.

The above searches are based on the patients included on the QOF Diabetic register eligible for a referral.


For search 1, this will include patients diagnosed with diabetes, with a correctly recorded education referral code within the correct time frame.


For search 2, this will identify patients newly diagnosed with diabetes with an outstanding referral.  This is further broken down (2a and 2b,) by those that have less than 1 month or between 1-3 months remaining to complete the referral within the correct time frame.


For search 2.c, this will identify patients who have had an appointment in the last week.  These patients may have had a referral, however a referral to structured education programme has not been recorded.  You may wish to review the patient records to check whether this referral has taken place but just not been recorded correctly.  If appropriate, add the correct referral code.


For search 2.d, this will display patients with an outstanding referral, however there is evidence that a referral has taken place, but an incorrect QOF code has been used.  You may wish to review the patient records and replace with the correct QOF referral to structured education program code.


Searches 3, 4, 5 and 6 are for information only and will display patients with an unsuitable, service unavailable, a declined or an exception code in place this fiscal year, or excepted due to no response to two invitations.


If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: