Ardens has created a wide range of clinical templates to assist with data entry for a variety of clinical areas.


The available Procedure Templates include:

  • Adult Immunisations - an ideal template that can be used to record immunisations given to adults ensuring correct coding e.g. Pneumococcal, Pertussis, Tetanus also recording of PSD/PGDs.  
  • Cervical Screening - a template to record details of procedure and recording results if not already coded directly into the patient records. The template also has a page to record ceasing or deferment and a page to record any domestic abuse concerns.
  • CVD Risk assessment 18-39 (Pilot) - to manage those younger patients who maybe at risk of heart disease.
  • ECG + AF or Hypertension screening - this template is a good way to record why an ECG is needed and for recording the results. It has an contracts page to ensure all the national contract requirements are recorded and separate pages to record AF and Hypertension findings.
  • Injections - a way to ensure that injections given are recorded in the correct and consistent way, including B12, denosumab, testosterone etc. Includes a page to view or record the PSD/PGD and consent.
  • Minor Surgery/Joint Injections - this template can be used to record any minor surgery including excisions/incisions, aspirations/injections and aspirations, ensuring they can be reported on accurately.
  • NHS Health Check - a standard template to record the elements of the NHS Health check, including QRisk, signposting and recording the health check has been completed.
  • Phlebotomy - a useful template for a phlebotomist to use to record procedure and standard precautions taken.
  • Pulses and ABPI doppler - template to record observations and procedure as well as a follow up if necessary.
  • Referral minimum dataset and preoperative procedures - good aide memoire of the data needed before a referral, including the WHO guidelines and the recording of procedures needed post and pre- operative.
  • Travel Vaccinations - an extensive template to record travel information given to (links to the Green book) and gathered from the patient as well as the vaccination given. The template also has a page to view or record the PSD/PGD.
  • Urinalysis (Urine dipstick) - this template enables recording dipstick results, with dropdown picklists for each element, also to record a recall if appropriate.
  • Urinary catheter - this template can be used to record insertion, check and removal of a catheter as well as documenting any advice given to the patient about self-catheterisation and management.


All the above templates include hyperlinks into useful websites and patient information leaflets.


The Procedure templates are located in the Ardens Live Toolset > Clinical Templates folder.


They may be accessed within the patient record in one of the following ways:


  • Click on the Run Template option within the consultation.
  • Click on the Add > Data using Template option outside of a consultation.


Clicking on either of the options above will display the Template Picker screen. 

Search for the template you require using the search box provided or via the navigation pane. Select the template and click on OK.


Alternatively, you can launch the template using the Template Launcher (All Template Launcher, zTemplate launcher: Procedure or Nursing Procedures protocols). 


Once you have launched the template. Complete the template using the required fields and ensure you save the information, using the Save option.


If using the template via the Run Template option within an open consultation, you will also need to click Save to save the consultation.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]