Ardens has designed a wide range of clinical templates to assist with data entry for a variety of clinical areas.

The available Haematology templates include: 


  • Iron deficiency anaemia - this template is aimed at adults, not children, and focusses predominantly on iron deficiency anaemia as opposed to iron deficiency, as per NICE guidance.
  • MGUS and CLL monitoring - a template that provides a framework upon which to document regular clinical reviews and investigations.  It does not include shared care prescribing, but you may wish to refer to the Ardens High Risk Drugs Review template for this.

The Haematology templates are located in the Ardens Live Toolset > Clinical Templates folder.


They may be accessed within the patient record in one of the following ways:


Click on the Run Template option within the consultation.

Click on the Add > Data using Template option outside of a consultation.


Clicking on either of the options above will display the Template Picker screen. 

Search for the template you require using the search box provided or via the navigation pane. Select the template and click on OK.


Complete the template using the required fields and ensure you save the information, using the Save option.


If using the template via the Run Template option within an open consultation, you will also need to click Save to save the consultation.


The Clinical Templates folders all contain a Template Launcher protocol,  which will launch a list of templates to run.


To use this protocol for the haematology templates, add the’ zTemplate launcher: Haematology’ protocol to your F12 key. When you run the protocol, you will be presented with links to each of the individual templates contained in that folder.


If you are unfamiliar with adding a protocol to the F12 key, please see this support article.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]