Ardens has created a wide range of clinical templates to assist with data entry for a variety of clinical areas.
The available Infectious Disease Templates include:
- Cellulitis - the Cellulitis template allows for the recording of key findings (history, examination, observations) as well as management plan and onward referrals for the condition of cellulitis.
- Chickenpox - this template allows the user to update a patient record with history and examination details, management plan, advice given and safety netting/follow-up.
- Gastroenteritis - the Gastroenteritis template is to be used for adults presenting with the condition. Full details of the symptoms can be recorded as well as the follow up action taken, which could be emergency hospital admission.
- Glandular fever - this template allows the clinician to record details of a consultation relating to a patient presenting with this condition, including history, examination, investigations, management plan and referrals.
- Genital herpes simplex - this template allows the user to record details of symptoms, examination and investigations, with NICE guidance on assessing for red flags. Advice and discussion can be recorded with links to management guidance and follow up action taken.
- Lyme disease - this template refers to the initial diagnosis and management of Lyme disease; it does not address the longer term management of persisting symptoms.
- Mastitis and breast abscesses - the Mastitis template is used to record details of a patient presenting with this condition. A management plan can be formulated, and an admission or referral can be noted, or the patient may be signposted to other agencies/support groups.
- Monkeypox -the Monkeypox template allows the user to record history and examination details in order to make a definite diagnosis of the disease, or to rule it out. There are several links to useful resources, including the form for notifying the disease to the local Health Protection Team.
- Notification of Infectious Disease - this template provides a list of diseases whereby registered medical practitioners have a statutory duty to notify their local authority or Health Protection Team. The data entered via the template may then be merged into the Notification of Infectious Disease document template. Alternatively, an online referral may be recorded using the NOID online referral link.
- Oral herpes simplex - this template is based on the latest NICE guidance to help guide correct management and antiviral treatment choices for both the acute primary infection, and recurrent oral herpes.
- Sepsis screening – telephone triage - this template allows the clinician to screen for sepsis in patients aged 12 and over via a telephone consultation.
- Shingles - the Shingles template is used to record history, examination and management plan or referral details. It includes useful resources for both patients and healthcare professionals.
- Suspected Sepsis or Sick Person - the Ardens Sepsis or Sick Person template serves as a framework for a thorough assessment of a potentially sick person. It has been produced with the co-operation of The UK Sepsis Trust, and in line with the Sepsis Toolkit. It is to be used for patients aged 5 or over, as well as for pregnant patients and patients up to 6 weeks post partum.
For patients aged 0-4 years of age, please use the Ardens ‘Fever in child < 5 years’ template.
- Urinary Tract Infection in Men -this template is to be used for male adults only (over 16 years). Full details can be recorded including management and referral information. There is a Quick entry UTI page which can be used for a brief UTI consult.
- Urinary Tract Infection in Women - the UTI in Women template is for female adults only (over 16 years). All presenting symptoms can be recorded for both acute and recurrent UTIs or UTI in pregnancy. There is a Quick entry UTI page with condensed data entry for ease of use.
The Infectious Disease templates are located in the Ardens Live Toolset > Clinical Templates folder.
They may be accessed within the patient record in one of the following ways:
- Click on the Run Template option within the consultation.
- Click on the Add > Data using Template option outside of a consultation.
Clicking on either of the options above will display the Template Picker screen.
Search for the template you require using the search box provided or via the navigation pane. Select the template and click on OK.
Alternatively, you can launch the template using the Template Launcher (All Template Launcher or zTemplate launcher: Infectious Diseases protocols).
Once you have launched the template. Complete the template using the required fields and ensure you save the information, using the Save option.
If using the template via the Run Template option within an open consultation, you will also need to click Save to save the consultation.
If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]