The Ardens CQRS searches have been designed to support GP practices with optimising CQRS payments by addressing any potential coding errors which may affect payment. This will ensure the payment extracts via GPES are as accurate as possible. For a further understanding of how the CQRS payment system works, please see this support article.

These searches will also highlight any potential training gaps, supporting practice staff to effectively manage areas such as 6-in 1 vaccinations, child flu immunisations, rotavirus vaccines and more.

It is important to understand that CQRS claims are extracted from EMIS Web by a system called GPES. It is not possible to write searches that precisely align with this GPES extraction. In order to avoid confusion, we made a decision in June 2024 to remove the 'predicted payment' folder from our search suite and replace it with a 'monthly-overview' folder instead. This new folder will provide an overview of activity that closely aligns with the GPES extract but may not be 100% accurate. 

To access the searches, navigate to Population Reporting > Ardens Searches > 5.40 Contracts - CQRS 2022-25.

We recommend using the search suite as follows:

  1. Run the Data quality checks searches around the 1st of each month to correct potential payment issues.
  2. After the GPES extraction (around the 15th of each month) log onto the CQRS portal to check and confirm your claims. If there is anything that does not look right, move to step 3.
  3. In order to investigate any potential issues, you can compare details of the patients extracted for payment (via GPES) with the Ardens Monthly - overview report (see Monthly - overview section below).

Data quality checks

This folder is to be run on the first of each month, to correct any potential payment issues before the extract takes place, The extract normally happens around the 15th of each month, further details of the schedule can be accessed on this website.

To run the searches in this folder, right click on the folder and click on the Run option. 

The searches contained in this folder looks at activity for last month, therefore you must set a relative run date. To do this, click on the Advanced options on the Run prompt screen and enter the preferred date.

As the data is looking at last month, if you enter a date in November, it will look for data from 1st October to 31st October. Similarly, if you are selecting a date in August, it will look for data from the 1st July to the 31st July.

Click Yes once the appropriate date has been entered to run the searches. 

The Data Quality searches are split into the following areas:


  • 6-in-1 - identifies patients with non-payment codes used last month and where medication issues are missing. 
  • Child Flu - identifies patients with non-payment codes.
  • Hep B- identifies non-payment codes and where a patient has been vaccinated at the wrong age. Patients vaccinated at the wrong age are information only for training purposes, no further action can be taken, and the patient will remain on the search.
  • LD health checks - identifies patients missing an annual health check code or where the health check has been completed after the action plan. For reference, the action plan must be completed on the day of the health check or after.
  • Men ACWY - identifies patients with non-payment codes.
  • Men B - identifies patients with non-payment codes.
  • MMR - identifies patients with non-payment codes.
  • PCV/Hib/MenC - identifies non-payment codes and where a patient has been vaccinated at the wrong age. Patients vaccinated at the wrong age are information only for training purposes, no further action can be taken, and the patient will remain on the search. 
  • Pertussis in Pregnancy - identifies patients with non-payment codes. 
  • Pneumo (PPA) - identifies patients with non-payment codes. It will also highlight patients that need to be coded with 'requires pneumococcal vaccine', the vaccine has been given but they are not eligible and this code will be needed for the payment. 
  • Rotavirus - identifies patients with non-payment codes. and where patients have been vaccinated at the wrong age or interval. Patients vaccinated at the wrong age or interval are information only for training purposes, no further action can be taken, and the patient will remain on the search. 
  • Shingles - requires the patient records to be reviewed, this could be due to a second dose missing, where the second dose has been given too early, incorrect payment codes, or a 'requires shingles vaccination' code is needed for payment.
  • Weight Management - identifies patients with non-payment codes.


Each search will include a sub-report, which will easily show the non-payment codes used or missing data. Click on the View Results option on the ribbon to display.

Monthly - manual input items

This folder includes searches to support practices with figures required for manual claiming.  

Ensure you have dealt with the associated data quality searches first before running the searches.

Monthly - overview 

This folder contains individual reports for each vaccine, listing all patients who received a vaccination last month and were coded with a 'compliant code'. Additionally, the folder includes a search and report that compiles all patients for any vaccine recorded last month with a 'compliant code'.

You can export these reports to excel and compare the list of patients there with those in Enquiry Manager. If there is a discrepancy, an examination of the patient record may inform you as to the reason. If you believe that you should have been paid for that patient, you should then make a manual adjustment claim to CQRS.


If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: