Clinical templates are designed to capture consistent, accurate data and can help streamline and speed up consultations.

Ardens have created a wide variety of templates covering many clinical areas, including long term diseases, minor illness, nursing procedures, common condition, reception templates to name a few.  

Please click the following link to see a full list of the Ardens Clinical Templates - click here.

How to Locate a Clinical Template

Once set up, the Ardens templates can be accessed easily from anywhere in the patients record using the Ardens template launcher protocols via the F12 key on your keyboard. Full details on these can be found here.

Alternatively, to access a template from outside a consultation, select the Add > Data using Template option on the EMIS ribbon:

To access a template from within a consultation, select the Run Template option on the ribbon:

The Template Picker screen will display.  This will list all of your recently used templates (if you have not searched for any previously this list will be empty).  

This list may build up over time and you may wish to remove any templates you no longer use.  To do this simply right click on the selected template, and select the option to Remove or Remove All.  This will not delete the template, just simply remove it from your own recently used list.

If the template you require is in your recently used list you may highlight and select OK (or double click).  Alternatively type the description in the search box and click the Magnify Glass or navigate to the Ardens folder to the right of Template Picker screen (for Resource Publisher sites you will need to first select the Shared Folders then Ardens folder):

To identify that the template is an Ardens template you will see (Ardens) after the template name.

Ardens Clinical Template Layout

All Ardens templates follow the same format.  Once opened, on the left hand side you will see a list of the different pages, on the right will be the details of the page you have selected:

Ardens templates are designed for anyone to use, they are not designed for you to necessarily complete every page.  Think of the pages as an index and select the page/pages you require at that time. 

There will always be a Template Info/Learning Points page, usually at the bottom of the template. This page  will display a link to our support desk, provide instructions on how to complete the template, show the version number and by default be ticked to record that this Ardens template has been used.

Any information you see with red text shows areas that need to be completed for payment purposes and information in bold black are national best practice guidelines.   

Completing Ardens Clinical Templates

Ardens templates offer helpful, relevant information as well as providing different options for you to enter data.

You may have the option to select from a drop down list, click on the arrow and select the appropriate code term:

You may have the option to directly enter values, click in the box to enter the value:

Please note when entering height and weight you may enter it in imperial and EMIS will automatically convert it to metric.


You may have the option to tick a box, click in the box to add the code to the patients record:

You may have the option to add free text:

Please note ‘Text’ is just free text and does not add a code to the patients record.


Any information you see on the right hand side of a template in blue writing, is the information from when that code was last entered on the patients record. Clicking the arrow to the right of this information will open up a more detailed view showing trends:

You may have the option to tick a box to pre-populate text information to the patients record, this saves you time by automatically saving the text without the need for you to type it all out:


You may also see blue hyperlinks, single clicking on these links will take you to external websites for useful leaflets, action plans or general information:

When you have completed as much of the template as you require, click Save at the top left of the ribbon to save the template to the patient record.

If you originally accessed the template from the consultation, do  not forget to Save the consultation. 


For information on deactivating templates you no longer require in your EMIS Web system, please access the following support article - click here

Further Learning - why not access the Ardens Academy and enrol on the Getting Started with Ardens EMIS > Clinical Templates module to fully utilise these resources.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected].