Ardens has created a wide range of clinical templates to assist with data entry for a variety of clinical areas, as well as for more clinically administrative processes and procedures.

The available Administrative (clinical) Templates include:

  • Ambulance Request  - this template can be used to document the urgency of a patient requiring an ambulance, as well as threats and risks, current observations, interventions required in transit, and NEWS 2 score.
  • Asylum seekers and marginalised groups - the Ardens Asylum seekers and marginalised groups template is used to record a detailed assessment of the health and wellbeing needs of asylum seekers or other marginalised groups, such as refugees or the homeless. It has been updated to include the most recent guidance to support refugees from Ukraine.
  • Blood results template - this template is used to record blood results, but only in cases where they have not been received electronically from the lab.
  • Cancer Screening follow-up - although most of this information is sent to the practice from central organisations, this template is an easy way to record any invitations or results that haven’t already been coded directly into the patients’ records.
  • Case Closure template - the Case Closure template can be used to record details of an online consultation, including history, impression and plan, followed by details of the consultation outcome.
  • Child DNA/Missed Appointments - missing appointments for some children may be an indicator that they are at an increased risk of abuse. This template helps to document late or missed appointments and safeguarding concerns.   Advice, actions taken, referrals made, and any other follow up and safety netting can also be recorded.
  • Clinical Diagramthe Clinical Diagram Template allows you to document and annotate body maps as part of your patient's care. It can sometimes be very useful to store an annotated diagram in a patient record, either for comparison purposes or to include with a referral letter.
  • Clinical Trial + Research Study - this template enables a practice to record details of a patient who may be invited to take part in a clinical trial or research study.  Eligibility, invitation, referral and consent information can be recorded, as well as follow up and completion details.
  • Death Documentationthe Death Documentation template is part of the Ardens Death Documentation resources and allows practices to record details of a deceased patient, to audit on activity and to electronically complete a cremation form.
  • Discharge Review - this is a template to record admission and discharge details of a patient, including any safeguarding concerns, and any additional support or further management that may be required.
  • Duty of Candour - this template is used to record details of a Duty of Candour review, its outcome and any follow-up actions or plans.  It includes links to GMS and CQC articles on Duty of Candour.
  • Near-patient testing template - the Ardens Near-patient testing template allows for the recording of testing procedures taken at the time of consultation and with instant visibility of results, in order to make immediate and informed decisions about patient care.  This may include urine, glucose, blood or helicobacter pylori testing.
  • Paramedic (Ambulance Assessment) template - this template allows for the recording of details of an ambulance assessment, its outcome and follow-up.
  • Shotgun and Firearms Template - Ardens have developed resources to assist practices with completing reports for patients who apply for or renew their shotgun or firearms licence.  This template sets out the current process for firearms licensing, and can be used to record the application, as well as any concerns the clinician may have.
  • Unplanned Patient Contactunplanned contact relates to contact for 5 minutes or more, and which is not booked into an appointment slot.   The Ardens Unplanned Patient Contact template helps to record the various encounter types, which can then be reported on using Ardens searches.
  • Virtual Warda virtual ward is a healthcare model which supports patients with complex medical or social needs to get the care and support they need from hospital or community health provider, without being in a hospital setting.  This allows a GP practice to care for and support patients in the community. The Ardens Virtual Ward supports this model and also allows for the recording of general screening results, Long COVID observations, frailty assessment, social prescribing, and care planning.


The Administrative (clinical) templates are located in the Ardens Live Toolset > Clinical Templates folder.


They may be accessed within the patient record in one of the following ways:

  • Click on the Run Template option within the consultation.
  • Click on the Add > Data using Template option outside of a consultation.


Clicking on either of the options above will display the Template Picker screen. 


Search for the template you require using search box provided or via the navigation pane. Select the template and click on OK.

Alternatively, you can launch the template using the Template Launcher (All Template Launcher or zTemplate launcher: Admin (clinical) protocols). 


Once you have launched the template. Complete the template using the required fields and ensure you save the information, using the Save option.


If using the template via the Run Template option within an open consultation, you will also need to click Save to save the consultation.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: 

[email protected]