Ardens has designed a suite of standardised clinical templates, to support practices with chronic disease management. The templates offer localised best practice guidance and SNOMED compliant coding of clinical data covering many clinical areas to save time during consultations and ensure all clinicians whether they are GPs, nurse practitioners, or paramedics are following the same national and local clinical guidelines. 

Accessing the Chronic Disease Templates

The template can be launched by using the Chronic Disease Template launcher protocol, from the F12 key. For full details on how to set this up, please see this support article 


Alternatively, Open a new consultation and select the Run Template option.

This will launch the Template Picker screen, from here search for the template by entering the abbreviation in the search box provided.

The following Ardens Chronic Disease templates are available:

Select the relevant template and click OK.

Please note - Ardens templates will contain (Ardens) in the description.

Using the Chronic Disease Templates

The Ardens Chronic Disease templates are structured in a similar way. The templates have been broken down into named pages, to make it easy for any practice staff member to navigate to the information required. 

  • National Contracts (QOF/IIF) - contains all QOF/IIF requirements for the current financial year.
  • Review - for clinicians to complete a full clinical review. Includes best practice, local and national guidance and QOF information. 
  • Investigations and Referrals - to view and document investigations and referral data.
  • Vaccinations - ability to view and code seasonal vaccinations.
  • Review and Recall - to record a review has been completed and options to add a further recall for the patient. This will be picked up in the Ardens Diary Recall System.
  • Resources - displays contractual information and links to helpful information for patients and professionals.
  • Template Info/Learning Points-  details about the template, version control and link to the support centre and links to appraisal toolkits to enable recording of learning.

Additional pages will display depending on the condition.

Information relating to contract requirements, will be displayed in red and/or denoted by an asterix (*).

Within the National Contracts page, if the indicator has NOT been achieved for this financial year there will be a red cross and red writing will denote action needed.

If the indicator has been achieved, there will be a green tick and the writing will no longer be red.

Text displayed in black relates to best practice information.

Complete the template using the required fields and ensure you save the information, using the Save Template option.

Ensure you then save your consultation.

For Plus and Pro Customers

Ardens offers a Local Commissioned Service module which includes templates and reporting to assist practices with recording data and complying with local contract specifications, with aggregate reporting to assist the CCG with monitoring performance and paying practices.

Practices on the Plus and Pro packages may see additional pages or sections displaying local information or assisting with data entry for local services. These pages or sections will always have a * at the start of their name. 


We recommend practices carry out a housekeeping task on all existing clinical templates, to make using the Ardens resources for EMIS Web as streamlined as possible. Please click here for further information on this.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: 

[email protected]