This support article offers guidance for online training for the Admin team, depending on individual requirements.

Overview of the Ardens (EMIS) Clinical product functionality

If you would like to view a short (13 minute) video outlining all the elements included in the Ardens EMIS resources, please click here.

How to locate and use the Ardens EMIS Clinical Templates

Ardens offers a variety of clinical templates to support all practice staff in capturing consistent and accurate data. To learn how to locate and use the Ardens EMIS clinical templates, please access this support article.

The following templates are available for the Reception and Admin team (click on the links for further information):

Recording Failed Telephone Encounters

Ardens has provided the reception team with a quick way to record they have been unable to get hold of a patient on the telephone. To learn how to do this, please see the following support article

For the Management and Admin Team Responsible for Searches

Ardens includes a number of searches and reports to support practices in monitoring practice activity and identifying coding errors which may effect payment.

For an overview of the searches included, please see the following support article.

To view a recent webinar on the Ardens searches and reports for the Management and Admin teams, click here

For support on managing the Ardens reporting suite, and advice on which searches to run and when, please see the following support article.

For Practice Staff Responsible for Recalls

Ardens offers two main recall systems to provide practices with a robust system to manage patients being recalled to the practice. The Ardens LTC Recall system is a month of birth recall system that is designed to recall patients for their annual chronic disease review in as few appointments as possible. The Ardens Diary Recall System is designed to easily manage additional ad hoc reviews that patients may need, such as for blood tests, injections, follow-ups and procedures.

To view a webinar for the Ardens LTC Recall system webinar, click here.

For a variety of support articles detailing the Ardens LTC Recall system, click here.

To view a webinar for the Ardens Diary Recall System, click here.

For a range of support articles to support with the Ardens Diary Recall System, click here.

For Admin Staff Responsible for Managing National Contract Requirements (QOF, Network DES, IIF)

Ardens has provided a variety of resources to support practices with the management of national contract requirements, including for QOF and PCN DES.

To view a support article detailing the Ardens resources to support QOF, click here.

New Starter Training

For new starters to the practice, whether they be Practice Management staff, GPs or ANPs, Nursing or Admin staff, we provide regular 'Getting Started' training sessions.

For details of when these sessions will be running, please go to the Ardens EMIS Upcoming Webinars page, where you may register for any of the webinars advertised.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact Ardens support on: [email protected]